平台:PlayStation4 发行商:IBAR EZKERRAR IKASTOLA S. COOP. 语言:英语,西班牙语 开发商:IBAR EZKERRAR IKASTOLA S. COOP. 发行日期:2021年11月30日 游戏版本:v1.05 游戏编号:CUSA25370 格式:PKG 平台版本:PS4 9.00

Inspired by the real events that hit the world in 2011, be the guide for the squad of elders who gave their lives in exchange for stopping the escape of nuclear radiation from the Fukushima power plant.
Combine the skills of each of the heroes to challenge the hordes of mutant creatures and delve deep into the ruined nuclear power plant.
Become Lola and access high places where others do not dare to climb and make use of her ability to move fast.
Defend your squad with Dordok’s magical shield and his deadly attack.
Play as Smartie and use his latest invention to slow down the advance of the mutant creatures at the nuclear power plant.
A classic action video game packed with mutant enemies, massive monsters and tons of fun.
10 years after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Jokoga Interactive and Harrobia Ikastola question the need for nuclear energy through this entertaining video game.

PangDaGAME » Nuclear Corps


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