献给迷宫的墓碑.Dungeon and Gravestone

平台:PlayStation4 发行商:Wonderland Kazakiri inc. 语言:中文,日语,英语,西班牙语 开发商:Wonderland Kazakiri inc. 发行日期:2021年4月23日 游戏版本:v1.22 游戏编号:CUSA27469 格式:PKG 平台版本:PS4 5.05,PS4 6.72,PS4 7.02,PS4 7.55,PS4 9.00

收集食物,完成任务,不过也可以钓一辈子鱼!参与激烈的 boss 战吧!地牢中的生活肯定是有风险的,但也是超级有趣的!在这个神秘的世界里,不仅是地牢,甚至连城镇也会时不时的改变外观。
Arise! The time for sleep has passed. The world needs you now, more than ever, as the threat of destruction looms closer with each passing moment.
The path of salvation lies ahead with only one way to attain it. You must conquer the dungeon and its keeper that awaits you.
Beware not to outstay your welcome as your life energy is slowly drained the longer you stay in the dungeon.
Those brave enough to venture the dungeon are rewarded with items to help power up their equipment, allowing them to reach further into its depths.
Complete quests, fight bosses, collect items and fish like your life depends on it!
Mastering this chaotic world will prove difficult as it transforms with each passing life.
Will you answer the call to save the world?

PangDaGAME » 献给迷宫的墓碑.Dungeon and Gravestone


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