合金弹头:精选集.Metal Slug Anthology
平台:PlayStation4 发行商:SNK Playmore 语言:英语 开发商:Terminal Reality 发行日期:2016年7月5日 游戏版本:v1.0 游戏编号:CUSA04156 格式:PKG 平台版本:PS4 5.05,PS4 6.72,PS4 7.02,PS4 7.55,PS4 9.00
本作品完整收录了 METAL SLUG 系列中自 METAL SLUG 到 METAL SLUG 6 共 7 部作品!
除了完整移植大型电玩版之外,还追加了能设定自动连射机能的「自动开火」与能阅览往年珍贵插画的「画廊模式」等原创机能!是 METAL SLUG 支持者必备的珍藏版!
In 1996, an arcade legend was born with the release of ‘METAL SLUG: Super Vehicle 001’. The clever mix of the military-style themed, side-scrolling action shooting / platform gameplay, with a wacky sense of humor and hilarious cartoon style met with an instant success among players around the world.
The popularity of SNK’s legendary action-shooting series has never shown any signs of slowing down over the years. To celebrate, the creators of METAL SLUG ANTHOLOGY™ stopped at nothing to provide a 2D, side-scrolling compilation with all the great gameplay possibilities into this complete arcade compilation.
Each installment in the series included in METAL SLUG ANTHOLOGY™ offers unique, memorable gameplay and game objectives centered around a futuristic battle between the Regular and Rebel Army. The Regular Army gathered its scattered troops and launched a desperate counter attack recapturing the stolen Metal Slug, and using an arsenal of vehicles to destroy the opposition!
An exclusive bonus PS4 Theme is available with the purchase of METAL SLUG ANTHOLOGY™.